Japanese Dice Bags - Product Review

Today I will briefly looks at the dice bags available on the website and why they're a great product.

I personally use dice bags when I go to most events, mainly because I put my dice, poison and burn counters in it (and maybe even a wrapped snack for if I get hungry), so then I know all I need to grab for an event is my deck box, dice bag and a playmat if I want one. It makes it easier than trying to remember to bring a bunch of things.

The Japanese dice bags are of a decent size. They're approximately 15cm x 15cm. This means if you have a small deck box (like the slim Charizard one from the Pokemon Center or even just a standard ultra pro) and only take around 10 dice and your poison and burn counters, you can actually put the deck box AND the dice and everything else in the little dice bag. This makes it easy to carry by the string and keeps everything nice and clean.

Why would I use dice and dice bags anyway?

Dice are used as damage counters. Instead of bringing a bunch of the small cardboard damage counters around (like the ones you get in theme decks) most people choose to use dice to show how much damage is on their Pokemon. They are easier to move around so a lot of players prefer them.

The dice bags just give an easy way to carry around dice, especially if you have a lot of different ones so won't all fit in a dice cube.

Who would benefit from this product?

Players who regularly attend events. By having everything in one place, it will mean you won't forget to bring things. They also look really awesome.

They don't have to be used as dice bags though! So anyone who wants a little bag for carrying around small items could use these as a cool looking protector / carry bag for the item.

Who may prefer something else?

If you're new to the game and have a relatively small budget, dice bags aren't an essential to playing. So if you're just trying to expand your collection, going for something like a theme deck or booster packs may be better.

So if you think you'd like a dice bag, check out the awesome Pokemon designs we have here!

Let us know what you think of this product in the comments section below!

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