June In Store Events!

Check out all our tournaments happening in West City and Glenfield during June! 


Date Tournament  Entry Fee
Sunday 2nd June 12:00pm - Pokemon Hobby League 
12:30pm - MTG Standard Showdown
Thursday 6th June 7:00pm - MTG: Arena Standard
7:30pm - MTG: Competitive Modern
Friday 7th June 6:30pm - MTG: Draft $10
Saturday 8th June 10:00am - Modern Horizons Pre-Release
3:00pm - Modern Horizons Pre-Release
Sunday 9th June

10:00am - MTG: Modern Horizons Pre-Release
12:30pm - MTG Standard Showdown
3:00pm - MTG: Modern Horizons Two-Headed Giant Pre-Release

Thursday 13th June 7:00pm - MTG: Arena Standard 
7:30pm - MTG: Competitive Modern
Friday 14th June 6:30pm - MTG: Draft
- Pokemon League Challenge
Saturday 15th June 9:30am - Pokemon Special Event  $15
Sunday 16th June 10:00am - Pokemon VGC Special Event 
12:00pm - Yu-Gi-Oh OTS Store Championship
12:30pm - MTG: Standard Showdown




Thursday 20th June 7:00pm - MTG: Arena Standard
7:30pm - MTG: Competitive Modern
Friday 21st June 6:30pm - MTG: Draft
- Pokemon League Challenge 
Saturday 22nd June 11:00am - MTG: Modern win $1,500 of prizes! $25
Sunday 23rd June 10:30am - Pokemon League Cup
12:30pm - MTG: Standard Showdown
Thursday 27th June 7:00pm - MTG: Arena Standard
7:30pm - MTG: Competitive Modern 
Friday 28th June 6:30pm MTG: Draft $10
Sunday 30th June  12:00pm - Pokemon Hobby League
11:00am MTG: Standard Win multiple boxes


 Date Tournament Entry Fee
Sunday 2nd June 12:00pm - Pokemon Hobby League 
1:00pm - MTG: War Showdown
Friday 7th June 6:30pm - MTG: Standard Showdown Free
Saturday 8th June 10:00am - Modern Horizons Pre-Release
3:00pm - Modern Horizons Pre-Release
Sunday 9th June 10:00am - MTG: Modern Horizons Pre-Release
1:00pm - MTG: War Showdown
3:00pm - MTG: Modern Horizons Two-Headed Giant Pre-Release
Friday 14th June 6:30pmMTG: Standard Showdown Free
Sunday 16th June 12:00pm Pokemon Hobby League 
1:00pm - MTG: War Showdown
Friday 21st June 6:30pm - MTG: Standard Showdown Free
Sunday 23rd June 12:00pm - Pokemon Hobby League 
1:00pm - MTG: War Showdown
Friday 28th June 6:30pm - MTG: Standard Showdown Free
Sunday 30th June 12:00pm - Pokemon Hobby League 
1:00pm - MTG: War Showdown

As we have limited space in the store, all tournaments will be run on a "first in, first served" basis. All players under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Supervising parents are welcome to look around the mall while rounds are underway but are advised to supervise their children between rounds.

This is a great way to play some games with some new people and make some new friends. We hope to get a good regular attendance so you'll always have someone to come and play your newest deck against!

See you there!