Events instore are Back!
Auckland Moved to Alert Level 3 Stage Red of the Traffic light system on Friday the 3rd of December, This means that we are now able to host events again instore... Woo-hoo!
We are beyond excited to be able to have you guys instore again causing all sorts of shenanigan's, however with great power comes great responsibility! This means there are a few new rules in place to ensure everyone is happy, healthy and showing respect for both other players and our staff.
Currently all events require a Ticket which can either be purchased online or instore, plus you will also need to show us your Vaccine Certificate upon entry to the event space.
We will be operating with limited numbers, so it is recommended to purchase the tickets beforehand to avoid missing out.
Once you've Entered the Play Space:
Our gaming area is looking a little different at the moment as we have spread out the tables to create plenty of space between players, plus we are providing hand sanitizer and masks if needed so you can comfortably play to your hearts content (or maybe just till 9pm!).
Once you enter the play space please remain seated as much as possible, this will help us ensure minimal contact between players and staff. The following are the new guidelines for playing in our events...
- No players are allowed to enter the play space unless they have a ticket during our allocated time slots, and a vaccine certificate (younger players with a guardian/parent shall be exempted as long as guardians/parents can provide their vaccination certificate)
- Masks must be worn
- No Food allowed at all times within our store
- No cans of drinks are to be consumed within our store, only screw topped drinks are allowed.
- Please sanitize before entering the area.
- No standing around other players tables.
- No trading/selling cards at tables or within our store.
- No touching other players cards.
Players who rent lockers may access their lockers during their gaming event or when no one is in the play space, one at a time.
Event times are non negotiable, Please ensure you arrive on time and show understanding when it comes to event end times and store closing.
We are all working hard to keep everyone safe and healthy, The Card merchant team would like to thank you for all your understanding and support.
Kia Kaha Everyone!
If you have any concerns or questions dont be afraid to reach out to us via social media or email us at